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Understanding Enlightenment

"Enlightenment is not hard. It is the easiest way to live. It is about living in harmony with Reality. 

What is hard is living in a way that is unenlightened, or out of touch with Reality."
​            — Lono, Kahuna Kupua A'o

To become enlightened is a process that involves freeing oneself of closely held unreal beliefs. Because these kinds of beliefs are substitutes for Reality, and not Reality itself, this may seem scary but there is nothing to lose but pain. The ancient Hawai'ians have an important way of looking at this they say is over 40,000 years old.

"Belief is necessary only for that which is not Real. That which is Real can be Recognized, and it works reliably and flawlessly!"

Leaving behind unreal beliefs is the only path that leads to true freedom and personal sovereignty. This takes the noise off the channel so a person can come to Recognize Reality for what it IS, instead of confusing it with what we would like or prefer it to be. 

"Unconsciousness is like being trapped in a box. The box is locked with a combination lock. The lock is on the inside of the box so only you can operate it. The instructions are on the outside of the box. To get out of the box requires someone outside your box to read you the instructions."

We Can Read You The Instructions. 
Are You Ready To Get Out Of Your Box?