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Who Are We?

The Eagle's Nest Family serves individuals who want to learn and practice the principles of High Order Awareness (Eagle Vision) as taught by the enlightened system of Hawai'ian spiritual ideas known as HunaWisdom.

Why Membership Is Important

Life is made out of choices and consequences. Your choice - your consequence. This being true, you only disempower yourself when you blame anything or anyone outside of yourself for your pain. Instead, take your power back by using our system of High-Order Awareness (EagleVision) to find your inner Christ-Light (Enlightenment) that can heal the pain created by unwise choices as well as avoid future pain by knowing how to make more enlightened choices.

The material above has a number of links to a variety of presentations. Check them out. 
Where else can you find a Church (Family) that provides this kind of help?

We have three levels of membership to fit any person's desires and budget

Free Membership in the Eagle's Nest Family. 

Membership is free. You will get our newsletter, Pearls of Wisdom blog, attendance at our Tuesday night online 'Ohana meeting. Your information will not be sold or shared with any third party.

The benefits of being a Free Member include:

  •  Invitation to all 'Ohana (Family) online meetings (via Zoom) every Tuesday evening at 6 pm MT.
  • Subscription to our Pearls of Wisdom Blog.
  • Access to our Eagle's Nest Family private Facebook group.
  • Access to Hosted Retreats.
  • The opportunity to make an important difference to our world.

Pledged Membership in the Eagle's Nest Family. 

Pledged Membership is available to those who are willing to make a monthly pledge of support of at least $10 per month or more. Your donations are important because they help us reach more people and help us to help others.

The benefits of being a Pledged Member include:

  • A personal profile on our Eagle's Nest Family Community site.
  • Access to our Way of Wisdom Classes at a 20% discount. Those who pledge a minimum of $50 a month or more get the classes free.
  •  Invitation to all 'Ohana (Family) online meetings (via Zoom) every Tuesday evening at 6 pm MT.
  • Subscription to our Pearls of Wisdom Blog.
  • Access to our Eagle's Nest Family private Facebook group.
  • Access to Hosted Retreats
  • 1/2 hour of complimentary Ho'opono'pono (Huna perspectives to help you put back into balance something that is out of balance in your life.) Members who pledge $50 a month or more qualify for 1 hour free. Book Here.
  • 10% Discount on all regularly priced products and services offered through our sister company Awaken Unlimited, LLC. Members who are current on their pledge of $50 a month or more qualify for a 20% discount.
  • A discount on Personal or Family Ho’opono’pono (a way of restoring balance to lives that are out of balance.)  Book Here.
  • The opportunity to make an important difference to our world.

Tithed Membership in the Eagle's Nest Family

Tithed Members commit to a pledge called a tithe. As with most churches, a tithe is defined as 10% of your income. Because common sense tells us that money you pay for taxes, licenses, and/or business expenses are not a part of your income, we define a tithe as 10% of your adjusted gross income minus state and local taxes, but without deducting for contributions to health insurance, retirement plans, etc. 

Tithe-paying members who opt for our Personal Priesthood Path (open to men and women) may enjoy leadership positions like becoming a Branch Co-ordinator for your area and serve in other leadership positions in the Family. Branch Co-ordinator for your area and serve in other leadership positions in the Family.

The benefits of becoming a Tithed Member include:

  • 1 hour of complimentary Ho'opono'pono (Huna perspectives to put back into balance something that is out of balance in your life.) Book Here.
  • A profile on our Eagle's Nest Family Community site.
  • Unlimited subscription to our Way of Wisdom Classes without fees for tuition...
  • Invitation to all 'Ohana (family) online meetings (via Zoom) every Tuesday evening at 6pm MT.
  • Subscription to our Pearls of Wisdom Blog.
  • Access to our Eagle's Nest Family private Facebook group.
  • Access to Hosted Retreats at no charge for any enrollment fees.
  • 20% Discount on all regularly priced products and services offered through our sister company Awaken Unlimited.
  • A discount on Personal or Family Ho’opono’pono (a way of restoring balance to lives that are out of balance.) Book Here.
  • Qualify for ordinations on our Personal Priesthood Path
  • Enjoy an opportunity to become a Branch Co-Ordinator and/or take other leadership roles in local branches.
  • The opportunity to make an important difference to our world.

 We define a tithe as 10% of your annual gross income and net profits from all sources minus payments for child-support and alimony but before deductions for health insurance, company benefit plans, or retirement plans. If you are a business owner it can be a bit more complicated, so if you have questions, please don't hesitate to call. 

The way the Universe works is that the amount of Light you enjoy on this path and how you value that Light will be proportional to the investment you make so the choice is totally up to you. You may raise or lower the amount or even cancel your pledge at any time. 

Because this is a decision that is very important to your spiritual growth, we suggest you take some time to pray about it.

Our hope is that over time, you will realize that this is your spiritual path, and that it is so important you would like to support the Eagle's Nest Family by becoming a committed tithe-payer* and holding a leadership position. Those who elect to take one of our priesthood paths or qualification as a Branch Co-ordinator are required to be full tithe-payers. Find out more about these paths by clicking here.