Blog categorized as Politics

The Government Is Tickling A Tiger

10 Aug 2022 07:13 PM By Lono Ho'ala - Comment(s)
The Government Is Tickling A Tiger
The raid on Trump's Mir-A-Logo home in Florida marks a new and dangerous low for America.

We Are Losing America

14 Oct 2021 09:58 AM By Lono Ho'ala - Comment(s)
We Are Losing America
This post calls attention to the dangers posed by global billionaires who are creating the so-called "Progressive" movement.

Who Are The New Ali'i?

17 Jun 2021 11:43 AM By Lono Ho'ala - Comment(s)
The ancient Hawai'ians warned modern America of a "new Ali'i" that would arise and attempt to destroy America's precious culture just as the Ali'i invaders from Tahiti did to them. Is there any basis to support this prophecy? If so, who are these "new Ali'i" and how can we recognize them?

Gun Control

04 Sep 2019 04:26 PM By Lono Ho'ala - Comment(s)

It is a fact that every person comes into this world with sacred space. It is also a fact that each person is responsible for defending his/her sacred space from those who would violate it. Love demands it. Sadly, there are people out there who are sociopaths. They have no regard for the sacred spac...